Havoc Gel Bead Blaster

Upgrade your arsenal and show your opponents you mean business. Havoc’s shoulder stock and bottom-fed ammo configuration lets you take aim and fix sights on any target. Blast faster, harder and farther – with or without the Faction Battle System app.

Lock and Load

A motorized bottom feed ammo clip relentlessly rams a barrage of gel beads through Havoc’s blasting chamber, enabling you to blast faster than standard issue gel blasters. Flawless ergonomics, a comfort grip shoulder stock, and Lumi-Bright daytime glowing sights help you lock aim on any target.

Get in the battle

Havoc comes with everything you need to get in the fight, including 10,000 premium quality Faction gel beads. Faction ammo is non-toxic, soft, and safe to use. Just soak in water and you have a recipe for a thrilling airsoft-like game, without the pain or mess!

More than a blaster

Havoc is a smart blaster with Bluetooth connectivity. Get automatic updates and improvements everytime you open the free Faction Battle System app, including access to the latest game mode releases. Connect with the included smart beacon for an interactive round of target practice. Take your blasting game to a whole new level!

Built-in night tracer technology

Havoc is ready for glow-in-the-dark action, no extra attachments required. Just load with Faction glow-in-the-dark gel beads and unleash a glowing stream of blaster fire! Get a taste of this exciting feature with the included glow bead demo pack.